1 min read

Will G8 forget sanitation for kids?

1034412_global_3.jpgJust read this by the FT’s lovely Fiona Harvey:

“Poor sanitation is the biggest killer of children in the world but its effect has been underestimated and the issue looks set to be ignored by the Group of Eight this week, according to a new analysis.

“A report published Monday by WaterAid, the UK-based charity, has found that lack of access to sanitation is likely to be the biggest single cause of the deaths of nearly 10m children under 5 years old annually, and in total kills about 2.4m children a year.”

It’s pretty nuts that the G8 (the leaders of the eight most powerful economies in the world) meet only once a year. Now that was probably fine years ago. But look at today – the globalised economy is surely pointing out very loudly that there is a need for more regular meet ups.

It’s pretty obvious to most people that there just isn’t enough time to solve the world’s problems in one week a year. One week a month might do it.