1 min read

What our alternative futures might look like

The future isn’t written in stone … or in silicon chips, for that matter. As the “butterfly effect” suggests, the smallest changes we make today could ripple outward in time to create wildly different futures for society.

“Delivering Tomorrow: Logistics 2050,” a new report from Deutsche Post DHL envisions five possible alternative futures that could arise out of the business, economic, environmental and energy decisions we make today. Accompanying the report are five short, though thought-provoking videos of what these futures might look like. (You can vote on which you believe is most likely here.)

Check them out:

Future 1: Untamed Economy – Impending Collapse

Future 2: Megaefficiency in Megacities

Future 3: Customized Lifestyles

Future 4: Paralyzing Protectionism

Future 5: Global Resilience – Local Adaptation