Wave power wave to miss Canada?
Darn it, Harry. We had heard British Columbia in Canada was quite far ahead in its clean tech innovation.
Greenbang’s always wanted to go there, but has not yet made it.
Canada.com says: “But unlike several European countries, B.C. has shown little desire to nurture the industry. [Chris Campbell, executive director of Nanaimo-based Ocean Renewable Energy Group], predicts B.C. will be generating a significant amount of wave and tidal power in 15 to 20 years, but he worries that it may be using foreign technology.”
Mr Campbell is worried that the UK will overtake Canada in its ‘aggressive’ support of wave technology.
Greenbang has just interviewed several wave and tidal energy companies. They seem to think the UK’s support of their business is anything but aggressive.
Fascinating – before reading that, we’d have assumed Canada would have been miles ahead. You learn something every day…