Vestas, Boeing team up for aerodynamics technology

wind-turbines-at-seaWind turbine manufacturer Vestas (PDF) has teamed up with Boeing to explore possible collaborative technology research projects in the areas of aerodynamics and composite materials fabrication processes.

The collaboration is aimed at helping both companies develop technologies that let their customers reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and waste. Researchers from both firms will work together this year to identify joint projects that could deliver rapid improvements to their future products and services.

“We are always looking for aerodynamic advancements to increase fuel efficiency, as well as ways to improve the overall performance of the in-service fleet,” said Jan Närlinge, president of Boeing Northern Europe. “There is a strong correlation between new technologies needed in the aerospace industry and new technologies needed in the wind energy business, and by pooling our research and development efforts on specific projects both Boeing and Vestas will benefit, as well as the environment that we live in.”

“The Vestas and Boeing research and development collaboration will be an important milestone in the expansion of Vestas’ collaboration with major mature adjacent industries,” added Finn Strøm Madsen, president of Vestas technology research and development.