1 min read

US adds millions for geothermal energy

geothermal-ventsThe US Department of Energy this week new funding of up to $84 million (US) to promote the development of enhanced geothermal energy systems.

Enhanced geothermal systems have the potential to expand current use of the Earth’s heat energy. While most US geothermal facilities are concentrated in the west, enhanced systems will enable expansion into new regions around the country.

In announcing the new funds, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the projects would also help create millions of new jobs, end dependence on foreign oil and address the threat of climate change.

“President Obama has laid out an ambitious agenda to put millions of people to work by investing in clean energy technology like geothermal energy,” Chu said.  “The Administration is committed to funding important research like this to transform the way we use and produce energy and reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign oil.”