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UK's PV market still has reasons for optimism

Despite uncertainty over the future of the UK’s feed-in tariffs (FITs), the Renewable Energy Association (REA) remains optimistic about Britain’s solar photovoltaic (PV) opportunity.

“The announcement about the fast-track review has unsettled many organisations, especially those based in Europe who are looking at opening new UK offices to take advantage of the solar opportunity,” Ray Noble, solar PV specialist at the REA, told Edwin Koot, chief executive of Solarplaza. “My advice to them would be that if you can afford to operate in a market installing under 50kWp (kilowatt-peak), come over. It’s a great time to build your brand and get ready to take advantage of the wider market opportunity once there’s more certainty over small-generation arrays.

“I don’t think the fast-track review has had a huge impact on the industry and I believe the market volume will remain balanced. There are still huge opportunities for public buildings, like schools, hospitals and social housing, and within retail. Each roof counts as a separate installation so instead of having one large array, it can be split up into several smaller ones to stick within the safe 50kWp limit for microgeneration.

“We’re still optimistic about the UK solar PV market, and believe that for the next FIT year (1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012) we will see 400-500MWp installed. Of this, 300-400MWp will be on public buildings, domestic houses and retail outlets with the remaining 100MWp on a few large roofs or solar farms located on ex-industrial sites which the UK, with its heritage, has many suitable sites.

“We are finding that this Government, although fully committed to the FiTs prior to the election and in fact suggested raising the maximum size project to 10MWp, are now trying to back track and suggesting it was always considered to be a domestic market. The industry is now stronger than the previous cottage industry and will fight the Government on this issue, as they are the one that made the mistake, the industry always knew the full potential solar can bring to the UK.”

Noble will be presenting at Solarplaza’s coming conference, “The Solar Future, UK,” set for 29 June at Central Hall Westminster.