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UK told to slash CO2 emissions by 80 per cent

The UK needs to cut carbon emissions by at least 80 per cent by 2050, climate experts have warned the government.

The government-appointed Committee on Climate Change (CCC), chaired by Lord Adair Turner, says the 80 per cent target should apply across all sectors of the UK economy – including international aviation and shipping.

The government’s current target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60 per cent by 2050.

The CCC says meeting the 80 per cent target is “challenging but feasible” and has set out a range of options for reducing emissions including:

  • Energy efficiency improvement in buildings and industry
  • Decarbonisation of the power sector by replacing existing fossil fuel fired plants with renewable technologies, nuclear power and carbon capture and storage (CCS)
  • Transport sector decarbonisation through improving fuel efficiency of conventional engines and increased use of sustainable first generation biofuels, followed by progressive introduction of electric, hybrid and hydrogen powered  vehicles
  • Heat sector decarbonisation through increased use of biomass, air exchange and ground source heat pumps and modern electricity storage heating
  • Decarbonisation of industry through the introduction of new technologies such as CCS in cement, iron and steel

Lord Adair Turner said:

“Climate change poses a huge potential threat to human welfare. If we do not act soon, in developed and developing countries, it will become too late to avoid serious and potentially catastrophic consequences. That is why it is so vital that a global deal is reached on climate change and that the UK contributes significantly towards this.”

More here.