1 min read

UK firms slow to go green

Job recruitment website Monster.com’s most recent poll of workers shows despite increasing concerns about climate change, businesses are still slow to implement simple, environmentally-friendly measures.

According to the poll, companies in Denmark, Italy, France and Germany are the least likely to introduce any green initiatives, with 47% of workers polled in Denmark and Italy and 40% in France and Germany stating that they are not aware of such activity in their place of work.

Monster asked UK workers, “How environmentally friendly is your office?” and the overall results revealed the following:

38% said: “A little, we recycle our paper”

33% said: “Not at all, I haven’t heard my company introduce any green initiatives”

23% said: “Very, we pride ourselves on being an environmentally friendly business (typical responses: we switch off lights, PCs etc every night)”

6% said: “I don’t know”

The most environmentally conscious workers who take care to switch off lights and PCs every night can be found in the Czech Republic (58%), Ireland (41%), Spain (39%), Finland (38%) and Switzerland (37%).

Many workers across Europe make a small effort, with Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands leading the way in recycling their paper (44%, 38% and 34% respectively).