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UK cleantech news: 17 July 2009

houses-of-parliamentLocal projects receive £600,000 in ‘big green challenge plus’

Community projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions and developing clean, local energy sources are set to receive up to £20,000 funding under a new partnership between the Department of Energy and Climate Change and NESTA. The collaboration between DECC and NESTA (the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) will see direct funding and support packages, worth a total of £600,000, provided by DECC to 17 grassroots projects across England. NESTA will administer the scheme.

Toyota to manufacture full hybrid Auris in the United Kingdom

Toyota Motor Europe (TME) today announced plans to manufacture a full hybrid version of its C-segment hatchback, Auris, at its UK-based facility in Burnaston, Derbyshire. Production of Toyota’s first European-built full hybrid will kick-off at Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd (TMUK) in mid-2010. Engines will be produced at TMUK’s facility in Deeside, North Wales.

Met Office statement on the UK Carbon Transition Plan

Julia Slingo, Met Office Chief Scientist, comments on the UK Carbon Transition Plan published by the Department of Energy and Climate Change: “The evidence is clear that emissions of man-made greenhouse gases are causing climate change. The rate of change began as significant, has become alarming and is simply unsustainable in the long term. It is, therefore, in our best interests to move to a low-carbon economy. Research from the Met Office has already shown that only urgent and deep reductions in our emissions will allow us to keep global temperature rises below 2 °C.”

North East England to study economic impacts of climate change

A study that will examine the economic impacts of a changing climate in North East England has been commissioned. The first of its kind in the UK, The Economic Implications of Climate Change North East Study will look at the economic implications of climate change in North East England. It will include a cost benefit analysis of the adaptation responses required, the move toward a low carbon economy, and the impact of new and emerging legislation, policy and regulation.

Proof will be in the delivery of Low Carbon Strategy

Responding to the launch of the Government’s renewable energy and low carbon industrial strategies, Tom Delay, Chief Executive of the Carbon Trust, said: “We need a seven fold increase in renewable energy generation in just eleven years. This can be achieved but will require not just a transformation in technology, but in political, economic and industrial thinking.”

Carbon Trust provides funding for new low carbon ignition technology

Engineers at the University of Liverpool, working with the Ford Motor Company, have received a £198,910 grant from the Carbon Trust to develop a laser ignition system which could cut car exhaust emissions.  Transport accounts for 25% of UK carbon emissions so finding new ways of making automotive engines less polluting is vital to meet the UK’s carbon reduction targets.