1 min read

Thieves selling knock-off solar panels on eBay

Thanks to Greenbang contributor Rob Ashwell for tipping us off to this great article in the New York Times about the increasing popularity of solar panels – among thieves.

The paper says California police are reporting a spike in thefts of solar panels, with many being sold on to homeowners over the internet. One incident cited involves solar panels being stolen from a toll road in Newport Beach ending up on eBay for $100 each.

People are being advised to engrave some form of ID onto their solar panels in case of theft. Or you could just take the precautions of one resident who lost 16 panels in three seperate burglaries. She told the paper:

“I have a shotgun right next to the bed and a .22 under my pillow.”

Hmmm, then again maybe it’s better advice to just scratch your driving licence ID onto the panels.