4 min read

The UK's greenest MPs?

By D. Lorenz

Who cares about the environment in politics? We had a quick look – and we’re not pro-Labour either…

thumbnail_cropped_parliament_clive_efford_mp.jpgClive Efford – Labour

The first registered London taxi driver to become an MP. Introduced a private members bill on energy efficiency in domestic homes.  This later became the energy audit but was later dropped from home information packs.  Has asked schools to send out letters to all pupils in his constituency with energy saving tips, and has been promoting discussions of green issues in school assembiles, believing instilling green values in the younger generation is vital.
Bill Etherington – Labour

A regular Labour rebel, Etherington had a paper advocating a move towards renewables accepted by the Council of Europe parliamentary assembly. He has been active in his constituency encouraging micro generation, and spreading house hold energy saving tips. Regularly chairs and attends green themed debates around Westminster.

frankcook.jpgFrank Cook  – Labour

A past chair and president of the Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group. Was a key figure in a 1983 campaign to prevent nuclear dumping in his constituency. This, coupled with a series of enquiries into the safety of  Hartlepool nuclear power station led to his being framed as “anti nuclear” in the media. In February 1986 he introduced a bill to establish an independent commission to promote “clean, renewable alternative sources of energy.” In December he urged further research into Norwegian-style wave-power research. An occasional rider of an electrically powered tricycle scooter between his London home and parliament.

kerry-mp5-321-cropped-again-rszd-130x170.jpgKerry Mccarthy – Labour

A vegan who has worked hard to promote recycling in her constituency as well as lobbying the government heavily to implement the delayed European WEEE directive – a law now implemented which ensures that electrical equipment is disposed of correctly. Lobbied local businesses and residents to turn off lights they were not using, whilst doing the same in her own home. Tries to promote awareness of the importance of eating locally sourcing produce and keeping “food miles” to a minimum.

d_miliband2.jpgDavid Miliband – Labour

Former environment secretary, now Foreign Scretary. Blogs regularly about climate change, and was partly responsible for the idea of ersonal carbon allowances. Launched the first Government wiki through which people can discuss the environment. Keeps a regular track of his own carbon footprint, now greatly enlarged since he became foreign secretary. Has been said to have been key in promoting climate change up the cabinet agenda. Heavily involved in  promoting the Climate Change Bill.

Alan Simpson – Labour

One of the most impressive MPs in the area, Simpson designed and constructed his own eco-home, which generates more electricity than it consumers. He sells excess power back to the grid. A big advocate of micro generation and decentralised power generation. Installed a water recycling system and used recycled materials to build the house. Encouraging constituents to develop a zero carbon community. Well known anti nuclear power activist, which sits well with his decentralising sentiments.  Also well known for telling the Mail on Sunday that a choice between Blair and Brown was like having to pick between Saddam Hussein and Uday Hussein.

m_92917eb9-dd76-3384-359e-b2121c59ebb4.jpgMark Lazarowicz – Labour

Introduced the Private Members’ Bill on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy which became law in 2006.  The act aims to boost the number of heat and electricity micro-generation installations in the UK and requires the Government to report on the steps it has taken to cut carbon emissions. Led an Edinburgh Community Energy initiative to encourage community organisations NGOs and businesses to develop a co-ordinated strategy for developing sustainable energy in the area. Signed up in 2005 to reduce his personal CO2 emissions by 25 per cent
in five years.

30.jpegLorely Burt –  Lib Dem

Helped shaped current anti nuclear Lib Dem energy policy. Has been involved in promoting  electric vehicles. Campaigned for a Stamp Duty Rebate for householders who were improving the energy efficiency of their home. Personally buys electricity from renewable sources and has signed up to the 25 per cent by 2010 personal emission reduction pledge. Recently looking to recruit someone from her constituency for the TV programme “shipwrecked” for some reason…

1.jpegPaul Burstow – Lib Dem

Helped Sutton  Council becoming the first local authority in the country to adopt and implement an Environmental Statement which helped pioneer recycling, zero and low energy transport.  Was  involved with the well known Beddington Zero Energy Development (BedZED) – a widely accepted example of a successful carbon neutral project. Helped sutton promote more sustainable travel through encouraging bicycling, public transport and car sharing initiatives. A keen walker.

David Cameron – Conservative

Well known for zipping through red lights on his bike and having a wind turbine on his roof in Notting Hill, Cameron made the environment a central plank of his modernisation of  his more modern and friendly Conservatives party. The green agenda has now been quietly pushed to the side as he gets closer to a seemingly inevitable election victory in two years time. Nevertheless turned the eye of many stick in the mud climate change sceptics who thought that if even the Tory party were addressing climate change, there just might be some truth in it…