The latest in Beijing: green dining
CHINA WATCH This Cantonese restaurant, probably quite aptly named ‘Unique’, must qualify as one of the greenest restaurants in Beijing, with much use of glass and with all décor coming from recycled construction waste.
Combined with a gallery, the small restaurant has a bigger room for the exhibition of modern paintings and a smaller glass room for dinner guests. Sitting in the cozy glass house, you can enjoy an outdoor view and the paintings (all of which are about the environment) around you. The back of the menu has a list to tell you where every part of the restaurant’s décor material came from and how they recycle it.
Unique is located in a thriving artist community, 798 Art Zone, similar to New York’s Greenwich Village. Greenbang China stumbled across it on a recent visit, finding it a purveyor of good food at a low price–and with a big environmental heart.