Thanks to those who came last night...

adtech_partyAs promised, we met in Aldgate last night for the Sustainable Technology Group’s monthly gathering.

(This is not a photo of our event, which was a bit smaller than this one.)

There were certainly fewer people present than usual, but we expected that for two reasons:

1 – We actually charged people £20 to come along. In the past we’ve run events out of our own pocket – well my pocket to be precise – and I thought it was time this changed to see what kind of real demand there was for this.

This caused quite a few furious comments from readers who “couldn’t f&*@ing believe” we had the cheek to charge an entry fee, even though we provided food and the finest wines known to man. Fortunately, these people also happened to be of the braided hair variety and how should I say – smelly? Not such a bad thing, considering we’re business focused.

2 – It was in Aldgate, which isn’t a million miles away, but was a little outside of the safe, boozy haven of Soho, where Greenbang is based.

At first I was quite worried that numbers had gone down – then I saw people swapping business cards and talking at length about what they do. Quite awesome.

People came  from:



Carbon Voyage


Harvard PR (which kindly sponsored us)


And then a few others with investment or business development interest in cleantech.

So quality over quantity really seemed to shine through this time. Saying that – the next event will be more central to London and we’ll give a bit more notice this time.

Thanks to all who came and see you all soon.
