1 min read

Tesla's Roadster comes to Blighty, meets Damon Hill

tesla.jpgGreenbang’s said it before and she’ll say it again: the Tesla is one hot green motor. If Greenbang had a spare few gold bars around, she might trade them in for a Tesla Roadster all of her very own.

Her timing would indeed be excellent, for the Tesla team – headquartered in sunny San Francisco – have recently dispatched a team to England to convince Blighty’s monied eco-warriors to shell out on the sexy motor.

According to the Tesla company blog, the Tesla sales types stopped off at the Hurlingham club (no Greenbang’s never heard of it either, but it seems to be where rich people like to get together and congratulate each other on being wealthy enough to buy Dubai) and had a bit of a chat with Jay Kay of Jamiroquai.

Poor sods. Greenbang knows sales people will do almost anything to flog a car, but there are limits. Jay Kay for heavens sake? Surely spooning out their eyes would have been a more worthwhile and enjoyable use of their time?

The Tesla types also stopped for a chinwag with Sir Richard Branson, let posh petrolhead Vicki-Butler Henderson have a spin in one of the Roadsters and gave Prince Michael of Kent a quick ride as well. That’s Tesla gave the prince a ride, not Vicki Butler-Henderson. Greenbang wasn’t insinuating anything.

The highlight? Squirrel-faced racing god Damon Hill also had a test drive.

No word on whether any sales will result from the jolly, but the Roadster will be appearing on the petrol-wasting smug-fest that is Top Gear and its Channel 5 wannabe Fifth Gear later this year.