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Sustainability conference focuses on 'New Emergency'

financial-crisisWith its 10th anniversary approaching, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (Feasta) has announced a conference on “The New Emergency,” to be held from 10 to 12 June at All Hallows College in Dublin.

This conference will focus on the systems and mindsets that have “steered the world onto its grotesquely unsustainable current path.” Discussions will focus on the new systems — such as financial, energy, food — and ways of thinking that are required to correct the situation and bring about a rapid transition to a more secure future.

Among the speakers scheduled to appear at the conference are:

  • Eamon Ryan, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources;
  • Dmitry Orlov, author of “Reinventing Collapse”;
  • Richard Douthwaite, Feasta co-founder and author of “The Growth Illusion, Short Circuit and The Ecology of Money”;
  • Chris Vernon, an editor of The Oil Drum, an energy futures discussion website;
  • Julian Darley, author of “High Noon for Natural Gas”;
  • David Korowicz, physicist and human systems ecologist;
  • Dan Sullivan, director of Saving Communities;
  • Emer O’Siochru, Feasta co-founder and director of EOS Architects;
  • Ludwig Schuster of Living City Architects; and
  • Bruce Darrell, co-founder of Dublin Food Growing.