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Survey: Firms not doing enough to cut carbon

card-paymentWhile British consumers overwhelmingly prefer green products, only 12 per cent think companies are doing enough to cut carbon emissions and tackle climate change, according to new research from the Carbon Trust.

The survey of more than 1,000 consumers across the UK found that almost two-thirds (63 per cent) are more likely to buy a product if they know action is being taken to reduce its carbon footprint. At the same time, 70 per cent of consumers want businesses to do more to help them make more informed environmental choices about the products they buy.

Other survey findings:

  • Green credentials carry consumer weight — Committing to reduce a product’s carbon footprint has a positive impact on the brand’s reputation, as 58 per cent of consumers say they value companies that are taking action to reduce their carbon emissions;
  • Environmentally responsible brands must shout louder — Only 12 per cent of consumers think companies are doing enough to cut carbon emissions and tackle climate change, and more want help with making better choices. Just under half (47 per cent) say they would like more information on how to reduce the footprint of a product when using it;
  • Consumer understanding of sustainability grows — 60 per cent of consumers understood that a product such as a chocolate bar or loaf of bread has a carbon footprint. As more than two-thirds of the UK’s carbon footprint comes from products and services, acknowledging the need to reduce these, as well as a company’s or individual’s carbon footprint, is vital, according to the Carbon Trust.

“Companies can’t ignore the fact that consumers do care about climate change and what a brand is doing to fight it,” said Euan Murray, general manager of carbon footprinting for the Carbon Trust. “Carbon Trust research shows that a business’ commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of its products has a significant impact with the consumer and that 70 per cent of consumers want help in making the right choices.”

Murray added, “Retailers and producers who are committed to reducing their products’ carbon footprints can get ahead by responding to this increasing consumer demand. Our experience with product carbon footprinting in the last two years shows that businesses that take real action to reduce their carbon emissions are realising dual benefits of immediate cost savings and a strong ‘green’ reputation amongst consumers.”

The Carbon Reduction Label has been developed to help brands demonstrate their commitment to carbon reduction and help consumers understand more about taking action on climate change.  The Carbon Trust’s primary objective with the label is to help businesses to measure, verify, reduce and communicate the carbon footprint of their products and services.

“We understand that consumer attitudes are going to be the key driver for business decision makers: our research findings vindicate this approach,” Murray said.