1 min read

Saft to provide energy storage for Nigerian telecom

Saft’s specialised Sunica.plus batteries will provide the energy storage at the heart of Eltek Valere’s innovative hybrid telecom power systems that are currently being rolled out to 80 mobile telecom sites across Nigeria.

These co-location sites are being provided for Nigeria’s wireless operators on a fully managed leased basis, and quality of service is vital in this competitive market. The Eltek Valere and Saft hybrid power systems will play a crucial role in ensuring the close-to-100 per cent uptime demanded by customers leasing the new sites, according to Saft.

Hybrid power systems are ideally suited for applications in the developing world, where they ensure continuous, energy-efficient operation of off-grid mobile base transceiver stations while delivering major savings in fuel costs and significant reductions in carbon emissions. Eltek Valere is initially targeting its hybrid solution at Nigeria, since it is the most important market in the African continent, with over 77 million mobile subscribers. Successful trials have already been carried out at sites in Lagos.

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