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Research aims to solve turbine interference with radar

1051412_wind_turbines1A newly launched £5.15 million research effort aims to solve the problem of radar interference from wind turbines, UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband announced today.

Objections from aviation radar operators are one of the largest reasons that wind planning applications are rejected or withdrawn in the UK. There are currently objections to over 5 gigawatts of wind farms in the planning system by NATS, (formerly National Air Traffic Services).

The £5.15 million research fund includes £1.6 million from wind companies, £2 million from The Crown Estate and £1.55 million from DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change).

“I know that delays in the planning process can cause uncertainty and be a barrier to investment in renewables and there are specific issues in connection with aviation and radar that need to be addressed,” Miliband said at a British Wind Energy Association conference today. “This R & D project could resolve wind impacts on radar in the UK and potentially release 5 gigawatts of wind power.”

He added, “By 2020, around a third of UK electricity needs to be from renewables, the bulk of that coming  from wind. We are making very good progress — it took the UK 14 years to build our first 1 gigawatt of wind and we’ve now passed the 4 gigawatt mark, with the last gigawatt added in just a year.”

Aviation objections are also holding up a further 5.5 gigawatts of wind-energy installations in the early stages of development.

A number of projects have been granted consent by DECC, the Scottish Executive and local planning authorities on the proviso that a solution to their potential radar interference is implemented. If the research is successful then these conditions could be lifted, allowing those projects to start construction.

Any solution to the problem will mean a much swifter and more certain planning process for future wind projects.

“NATS is delighted to be at the centre of a project to support the UK’s renewable energy target and we welcome the funding to enable us to continue our work in this sector,” said Ian Hall, director of development and strategy for NATS. “The investment is a significant step and our experts will work with Raytheon to examine the potential of this approach.”

“This is another step towards the successful delivery of 40 gigawatts by 2020, that industry has put on the table,” added Rob Hastings, director of Marine Estate at The Crown Estate.

This is the first industry-wide contract to be placed under the Aviation Memorandum of Understanding, which was signed between DECC, BWEA, NATS En Route, CAA, DfT and MoD in June 2008. The research will conclude in April 2011. It will be conducted by a team of NATS technical experts overseeing Raytheon’s investigations.