1 min read

Readers - what do you think of Greenbang?

716930_puzzle.jpgHello there

If you read Greenbang, we’d like to know what you think of us – preferably in more than four-letter words.

So we built a survey. Click here to go to it.

Or here’s the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=l2zxSURiH7ksUyZNfDHdMw_3d_3d 

We’ve had a terrific response so far, but we’d like to get a few more people’s thoughts. It takes between two and five minutes, depending on how much detail you want to go into.

Help us out – we’d really appreciate it and will buy you a beer next time we see you at the bar (although it’s anonymous, that might be quite hard).

Have a great Monday.

Dan Ilett
