2 min read

Pick your peak: Which resource runs out first?

Hubbert PeakLast year’s spectacularly high prices for oil made believers — at least temporarily — out of many previous peak-oil atheists. Even today, the persistence of $78-or-so-per-barrel oil even in a still struggling economy continues to keep the words “peak oil” on many lips.

Whether we’ve already hit that peak (as oil industry expert Matthew Simmons believes), arrive there before 2020 (which we have a “significant risk” of doing, according to the UK Energy Research Centre) or still have decades to go, there are no shortage of other peaks that could be looming in the not-too-distant future.

Which do you think will strike us first? Will it be peak oil or …

What’s your peak pick? Let us know in the comments section below (and feel free to add any “write-in” candidate we haven’t named here).