1 min read

Online shopping to offset 1m tonnes CO2

FrogWho’s your favourite frog? A quick straw poll of Greenbang’s friends suggest it will probably be Jeremy Fisher or Kermit with the outsider of Mark Twain’s jumping frog possibly sneaking in.

Well, there’s one more to consider, Froggybank.com. The website is a referral tool for many of the major stored and has just teamed up with the UK’s best rated carbon offsetting company, PURE. Instead of keeping the cash paid by John Lewis, WH Smith etc. for the referral Froggybank is offering a CO2 offsetting option for its customers.

From the press release:

PURE the Clean Planet Trust will receive donations generated by internet shopping through consumer community portal http://www.froggybank.co.uk
The charity (no. 1112249) will use these to support United Nations approved emissions reduction projects.

froggybank has committed to help UK shoppers generate enough funds to enable PURE to eliminate one million tons of carbon emissions by 2012.

Shoppers log onto the site before making online purchases from 1,500 major retailers as normal.100% of the cashback paid by retailers can be turned into charitable donations that will support PURE. Shoppers can alternatively give the money to another charity, or keep some or all of it for themselves.

froggybank’s marketing manager Nadeem Azam said: “The average shopper can offset their entire household’s yearly carbon emissions just by doing their usual shopping on froggybank.co.uk.

“We are fully committed to offsetting a million tons, which is the equivalent of removing 333,333 cars from Britain’s roads for a whole year.”

Phil Wolski from PURE added: “PURE supports the UK Government Code of Best Practice so shoppers can be assured that the emissions reduction projects supported by funds stimulated via froggybank are of exceptional quality.”