Nominees named for British Renewable Energy Awards

award-medalThe Renewable Energy Association (REA) has released its shortlist of nominees for the fourth annual British Renewable Energy Awards.

The awards, which recognise achievement in the UK renewable energy industry, will be presented 11 June in an awards diner at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower in London on the 11th June 2009.

“These awards honor outstanding achievement in the British renewable energy sector and act as recognition of exceptional contribution, innovation and excellence in the industry,” said Philip Wolfe, REA’s executive director. “The considerable number of high-quality nominees builds on last year’s success and displays the scope of talent and originality that exists within this industry.”

This year’s nominees include:

  • For the Advocate Award, which recognises the NGO, campaign, publication or association that has done most to enhance awareness of renewables in the public and/or key opinion formers: Carbon and sustainability reporting (Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership), Ecobuild (IBE Ltd), Infinis Energy Challenge, Institute of Domestic Energy Assessors, The RE-Charge Scheme (Kirklees Council), Renewable Energy Tariff Campaign (FoE et al.), Renewable opportunity audits (Onsite Renewables), “Sustainable Energy – without the hot air” (David J C MacKay);
  • For the Champion Award, which recognises an executive, academic, minister, civil servant, consultant or other individual: John Baldwin (CNG Services), Mervyn Bowden (Marks & Spencer), Ian Irvine (SgurrEnergy), Phil Maud (Morrisons) ,Rt Hon. Ed Miliband MP, Alan Simpson MP;
  • For the Company Award, which goes to an industry participant that has done most during the year to advance UK renewables: BiogenGreenfinch, Dulas Ltd., EarthEnergy Limited, Eco2 Limited, Kensa Engineering Ltd., Microgeneration Ltd., Plug into the Sun, ScottishPower Renewables, SgurrEnergy, Solarcentury;
  • For the Developer Award, which honours innovative development plans for a new renewable energy project, process or plant that is well advanced through the design and consenting process, but not yet in operation: The San Carlos Bioenergy Project (Bronzeoak Ltd), The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Buro Happold), Enviroparks Hirwaun, SeaGen (Marine Current Turbines Ltd.),  Hammerfest Strom (ScottishPower Renewables);
  • For the Installer Award, which recognises a completed renewable energy project, process or plant that has entered into operation: Birmingham City Council Care Homes (Future Heating Ltd.), Plymstock Library and Apartments (N G Bailey & Co Ltd.), Jesmond swimming pool Solar Project, Moorlands Community Centre (Southern Solar Ltd.);
  • For the Innovator Award, which goes to any innovative new renewable energy device, invention or application: Glycerine CHP (Aquafuel), OYSTER® (Aquamarine Power Limited), Radars at windfarms (BAE Systems Integrated System Technologies), Good Energy HotROCs, Fuel cell aeroplane (Intelligent Energy), Third generation biofuels (Oxford Catalysts), PV concentrator system (Silicon CPV), Power Purchase Agreement (Utilyx);
  • For the Region Award, which honours an initiative or policy by local authorities or regional agencies to encourage the take-up of renewable energy in a specific region of the UK: Community Energy Scotland, Future Energy Yorkshire, One NorthEast Regional Development Agency, United Welsh (Upper Wood Street), Wear Valley District Council;
  • For the Pioneer Award, which recognises an organisation outside the sustainable energy industry that is pioneering the use of renewable fuels, heat or power: The Co-operative Group, Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc, Rural Development Initiatives Ltd., South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Northern Ireland, Thomas Vale Construction;
  • For the Product Award, a new award category that goes to any innovative new renewable energy product that has been introduced onto the market since the start of 2008: ORC Electricity Generating Equipment (Freepower Ltd),  AGC water turbine control (DEIF UK Ltd.), Liquid Bio Methane (Gasrec Ltd.), Ecodan air source heat pump (Mitsubishi Electric), Naturalwatt Microgrid® Controller ,ST1 solar collector (Solaesthetic).