1 min read

Nissan gives HQ a lick of green paint

forest1.jpgNissan is greening its HQ. You might be thinking a car company making its buildings more environmentally friendly is a bit like a crocodile brushing its teeth in the name of fish welfare, but Greenbang would suggest, to quote the venerable Tesco, that every little helps.

The Associated Press has gone for a gander around the building and this is what it found:

A sci-fi sounding “light harvesting system” automatically dims or turns off interior lights in the 460,000 square feet of offices. Sun shades outside — sort of like reflective visors — with computer-designed blades direct sunlight to reduce glare and heat in the Southern summer. […]

Outside the glass-covered building, Nissan is restoring a 2 1/2-acre wetland. Tens of thousands of native Tennessee plants, including iris, button bush and rushes, are already growing there.

There’s also a lot of greenery, and air conditioning controlled through outlets at individuals workstations. Ahhhh.

Aside from the cockle-warming potential, the building will cut Nissan’s HQ’s energy consumption by 35 percent. Good show.