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News you might have missed: 6 May 2009

newspapersDon’t have time to read through all your email subscriptions and RSS feeds? That’s OK: greenbang sums up all the latest cleantech news and developments here daily:

  • Colin Challen MP, chair of the all-party climate change group, says car advertisements should carry climate-related “health warnings” similar to those used on cigarette packets;
  • Meeting in Prague this week, the European Union and Japan agreed to join forces in the battle against climate change and invited other large countries to follow suit;
  • Boeing has entered talks with Danish oil group AP Moller-Maersk to develop biofuel for ships and planes in a joint research project;
  • A new scheme to provide home insulation to households has been launched in Scotland;
  • Self-cleaning walls, counter tops, fabrics, even micro-robots that can walk on water could all be closer to reality, thanks to recent research by scientists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and at Japan’s RIKEN institute;
  • Researchers have determined the structure of highly efficient light-harvesting molecules in green bacteria;
  • A European project has just released a prototype of a software engineering platform that could help companies save time, money and energy as they scramble to upgrade complex IT systems;
  • Every green job created in eight years by the Spanish government came at the expense of 2.2 regular jobs lost, according to economics professor Dr. Gabriel Calzada at Madrid’s Juan Carlos University;
  • The Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund of Armenia recently commissioned a feasibility study to determine the possibility of producing ethanol from such feedstocks as Jerusalem artichoke.