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News you might have missed: 2 April 2009

newspapersSkipped a few cleantech headlines over the past 24 hours? You can catch up on all the latest news and developments here:

  • The Cleantech Group yesterday reported on a brewing conflict between leading climate scientist Ken Caldeira and VC Vinod Khosla’s Calera, which claims to have found a way to sequester carbon dioxide using a process similar to that of coral;
  • Engineers at Oregon State University have found a way to use waste heat to run a cooling system and improve the efficiency of diesel generators and engines;
  • The US Navy, through the Defense Energy Support Center, has awarded NuEnergen a 25-megawatt demand response services agreement;
  • “Energy for All,” a new partnership to be launched at the Asia Clean Energy Forum this June, aims to bring business, governments and non-governmental organizations together in an effort to increase access to energy in the Asia Pacific region;
  • The US Department of Energy announced the National Nuclear Security Administration has certified completion of the world’s largest laser, housed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.