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News you might have missed: 12 May 2009

newspapersHaven’t had time to catch up on all the latest cleantech news and developments? Here are a few stories you might have missed:

  • A team of German and Chinese scientists led by Johannes A. Lercher has developed a new catalytic process to convert components of bio-oil directly into alkanes and methanol;
  • Framo Engineering has been awarded a contract for the development of a solution for subsea wet gas compression by StatoilHydro. The development of such a product could help to extend the life of the Gullfaks South field, thanks to an increase in the size of recoverable reserves;
  • Norway’s oil production fell to a preliminary 1.99 million barrels per day on average in April from 2.15 million in March, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate reported last week;
  • A concentration solar power module that produces heat, cold and electricity and that can be integrated to façades or building roofs constitutes the new patent obtained by Spain’s University of Lleida;
  • The European Commission has warned that the offers of carbon emission reduction targets made so far by developed countries may not be enough to reach a global deal that will set the planet on a path away from dangerous climate change;
  • By 2100, climate change could make British cities up to 10 degrees Celsius hotter than the surrounding countryside in summertime, the Telegraph reports;
  • Germany’s Schott Solar has inaugurated a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in New Mexico for products used to generate solar power.