1 min read

More solar power coming to California

sunshineFor the second time in as many days, another California utility company has announced plans to develop 500 megawatts of solar energy in the region.

Over the next five years, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) says it will develop photovoltaic facilities of its own in central and northern California that will eventually generate 250 megawatts of electricity. It expects to add another 250 megawatts of solar energy by partnering with independent developers.

If the installations are up and running as planned by 2015, the utility would produce enough solar-based energy to power some 150,000 homes. (Sounds like a lot until you learn that’s still only 1.3 percent of PG&E’s electrity demands, but anyway … )

“By bringing renewables online as quickly as possible and advancing the development of green technologies, this effort will advance California’s aggressive push to meet our long-term energy and climate change goals while keeping California on the leading edge of this booming industry,” said Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Earlier this week, NRG Energy Inc. announced a plan to develop 500 megawatts of solar-thermal energy capacity in California and the Southwest.