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Manchester joins hydrogen race

The University of Manchester has joined the race to make cheap and sustainable hydrogen energy. The Manchester-led ‘H-Delivery’ collaboration between 13 UK universities has been awarded an initial grant of £5m over four years from the UK Research Council’s Supergen programme.

The group will undertake research into:

  • Advanced methods for the chemical and electrical generation of sustainable hydrogen.
  • The conversion of hydrogen and associated by-products into alternative industrial feed stocks and fuels.
  • The socio-economic appraisal of novel hydrogen production technologies.
  • Policy measures to promote the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon, hydrogen economy.

Professor Christopher Whitehead from the School of Chemistry at the University of Manchester said:

“Hydrogen energy is believed to have a significant role to play in addressing the twin challenges of climate change and energy security. However, existing methods of hydrogen production are not currently cost-competitive with fossil fuels.”

As well as the 13 universities, 12 industrial partners will initially be working on the project with further participants expected to join the consortia as the work develops.