1 min read

Learn how to save money with LED leasing

A growing number of business owners are coming to understand that energy-saving, efficient technology is good for the bottom line. But at a time when enterprises — commercial or otherwise — are watching every penny, it can be hard to justify the upfront expense, even when such improvements more than pay for themselves over time.

That’s what prompted Kevin Daniels to create a business aimed at helping other companies become more energy efficient by allowing them to lease, rather than buy, power-saving technologies like LED (for “light-emitting diode”) lighting. He plans to lead a seminar looking at how lease arrangements for efficient lighting and other innovations can help a business save money, both in the short and long term.

The date and time of the seminar are yet to be announced. To receive updates as details are finalized, email Greenbang managing editor Shirley Gregory at shirley@theglobalview.com.

Initially launched as an LED-leasing business, Daniels’ startup now offers lease arrangements for a variety of low-energy devices, including photovoltaics, wind turbines and combined heat-and-power (CHP) systems. Lighting, however, is of particular interest, as it can in some industries account for up to 50 or 60 percent of an organization’s energy costs.