Kingston U. launches new Sustainability Hub

earth-3dKingston University is launching a Sustainability Hub to bring together its research, curriculum and other work in this area.

Projects that will all come under the new hub’s umbrella include developmetnss like the university’s new green motorbike and degree courses with sustainability modules, as well as the use of fair-trade products in university shops and canteens.

From using rainwater to flush its toilets to advising local businesses on how to reduce their carbon footprint, Kingston University in south-west London already has an established track record on sustainability. But it hopes to make an even greater impact by bringing together its work in this area into the new Sustainability Hub.

“There’s a lot of sustainable activity going on in Kingston but it’s very disparate, we want to bring people together to exchange ideas, enliven debate and raise our profile in the local community and beyond,” said Ros Taylor, the hub’s director. “The Hub  is an important development because it’s relevant to our lives today. It’s engaging with both the outside world and with the next generation.”

Taylor added the hub aims to make an international as well as local impact through existing links with universities in Oldenburgh in Germany and Cadiz in Spain.

The Hub will be officially opened on 22 June.