1 min read

Is the smart grid really that smart? Join our discussion

Is the “smart grid” really as smart as the hype makes it out to be? Can it really deliver on its promise to reduce energy consumption with a minumum of bother? Those are among the questions some of the UK’s top leaders in the “smart” sector aim to tackle during a seminar in Bath next month.

“How smart are smart grids: The future of smart grids and what they can do for us” is scheduled to start at 9:30 am Friday, 12 March, at The Innovation Centre, Carpenter House, Bath, BA1 1UD. Admission is £10 (including VAT) and advance registration is required.

In theory, the US alone could save $117 billion over the next 20 years by modernising its energy grids. In doing this and making the grid more intelligent — ie, a smart grid — it could coordinate low-priority devices and schedule supply of energy in relation to its demand, wherever that may be.

The seminar in Bath aims to explore the future of the smart grid: what it is, what it could be and where the drawbacks lie.

Scheduled speakers so far include:

  • Steve Cunningham, Chief Executive of Landis+Gyr;
  • Dr. Mark England, Managing Director of Sentec;
  • Andrew Longyear, Director of Cisco;
  • Dr. Miles Redfern from the University of Bath; and
  • Dr. Tim Mays from the University of Bath.

Chairing the programme will be Dan Ilett, founder and managing editor of Greenbang.com.