Ireland’s Green Party ready for action
The Green Party in Ireland is very much like that of the one in the UK. For a long time no one listened. But that appears to be changing – in both countries, and I’d suspect more.
Colum Kenny writes in the Irish Independent today the party could face trouble from bigger political parties that look to absorb their power:
“THE Greens are a party whose time has come. Those who feel most threatened by them are on the wrong side of history. They have splattered egg on the faces of macho politicians and commentators who characterised the party as flaky. People who never had green credentials, and seemed proud of that fact, are now loudest in decrying “the betrayal” of those who do…
…The danger for the Green Party is that [head of the country] Bertie will use them to do what he has to do, taking credit for Green measures among voters who care about such matters and quietly blaming the Greens when it comes to mollifying any Fianna Fail supporters who care little in practice for the environment and who are angered by restrictions on their polluting activities.