HP to use video conferencing for press event
A few months ago, Greenbang caused a kafuffle when we turned down a press trip to an energy-saving event in France – Nice, in fact.
The point made was it seemed daft to fly a lot of people to such an event, when the company has some very sexy video conferencing technology it could be using.
Although a couple of people whinged, HP seems to have taken Greenbang’s gripe to heart. The company has decided to hold its next event in London – but more importantly, use the video conferencing tools 🙂
Hats off to you, HP:
“In addition you will have the pleasure to be in our first virtual press event via Halo. As you know Halo is our video conferencing system and we will use this system now the first time for such a media event.
We will connect three different Halo studios with each other, one in Houston, one in Amstelveen (NL) and the one in London. I could imagine that this will be interesting in itself already.
So, it would be great if you could make the time and meet us in London or virtually in Houston and Amstelveen (I will say Hello via Halo from Amstelveen 🙂 ).”
We’ll try to get along…