1 min read

How to smash 100mpg

Speaking in a recent Greenbang-organised debate, Ian Houston of carbon capture firm Origo Industries recently outlined a combination of technologies that will help smash 100mpg (75g CO2 per km).All bar one of the technologies referenced was already in use in various cars and the combination would be the key to success. Further, it could be available within the next 5-10 years. Speaking in the debate Ian Houston stated:

“If you can link an electro-thermal system [which generates power using the exhaust heat] into a hybrid, that runs on ethanol and on normal fuel, a clever EC unit [the brains of a car]. If you can link all four and, on-board, capture the CO2 and regenerate through an ethanol process you’ve extended the fuel life dramatically.

“You’ve smashed the 100mpg… that’s the holy grail”

Click here to see the technology part of the roundtable.