1 min read

Greenbang year three: Big things on the way!

greenbang-danHello there dearest Greenbang readers

Many thanks for those who came down to the Grape Street Wine Bar last night for Greenbang’s second birthday party. My head is still hurting (2:30pm now), but that should be an indication that the night went off pretty well. Around 150 media and cleantech sorts rocked up, drank the bar dry and then left when we ran out of booze. Somewhere in the middle, I made a speech to thank everyone for coming and for supporting us over the years.

As we now move into year three, we are launching new products and we will be delivering different types of news from other locations than the UK. All will be revealed on those later in the year.

We also launched CleanAnalysis — our cleantech analyst company. This will be looking in detail at innovations and market positioning of sustainability products. We are also due to launch some market benchmarking tools for products and companies. These will be free to use … once we have ironed out a few bugs.

Anyway — as you know, at Greenbang, we like to keep things short and informative, so once again — thank you to those who came last night. And a bigger thank you to all of you who read our work every day — you are the best readers we could ask for.
