1 min read

Greenbang photo competition: 'Business and the Earth'

biz-and-earthGreenbang’s all about supporting and promoting green business, because we believe that’s the only way society can move into the future in a sustainable, environmentally responsible way. And that’s why we’re kicking off a photo competition with the theme, “Business and the Earth.”

We’d like to see how you interpret that theme, so we’re asking you to submit your photos to Shirley Gregory (shirley@theglobalview.com) at Greenbang over the coming weeks. We’ll publish the best entries as they come in … but, wait, there’s more:

Sometime in June, we’ll be announcing the winners (we’re still working on the prizes, but rest assured they’ll be good) and runners-up in the competition. What’s more, we’ll display the winning entries at a London venue during Greenbang’s coming birthday bash.

Oh, and did we mention yet that the photos will also be featured in a Greenbang coffee table book? (Made from recycled paper, of course!)

So send us your photos, and help do your part to promote green business (your own, perhaps?) through our “Business and the Earth” competition.