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Government to water industry: Plan now for climate change

water-sprayEven if strict carbon emissions cuts were to go into effect today, the UK can expect to feel some impacts — including increased water challenges — from climate change, new Environment Minister Dan Norris said today.

Speaking at a special conference on the UK Climate Projections 2009 released by Defra last month, Norris said it’s vital that climate change considerations, using the best available science, are fully integrated in all water policy, operations and management. He called on the water industry to use the Government’s Projections in Practice in its operational planning.

“We can’t ignore the consequences of a changing climate,” Norris said. “We must do whatever we can to protect water as a unique and essential resource. I hope the industry will use the Projections to help ensure that their infrastructure and operations can adapt to the impacts of climate change.”

The water industry is the first sector to have a legal requirement to plan ahead on the basis of climate change considerations, through the production of statutory water resources management plans. In addition, the Government is currently consulting on proposals that 103 priority organisations should have to report to Government on the risks climate change poses to their operations and businesses and the plans they have in place to respond. The water industry is identified as a priority sector.