1 min read

Get ready to green your finance ops in '09

Hey,  you finance types! Not enough worries already, what with the global markets meltdown, Russian gas problems, etc.? Don’t forget you’ve got to make plans to go green, too.

According to ecoConnect, “The UK’s Climate Change Bill 2008 will introduce legally binding emission targets for the majority of the financial service sector.” That’s likely to mean a bit more than turning off lights when you leave the room or printing reports on both sides of the paper. So how can you prepare?

You might want to ink in ecoConnect’s next Green in the City event, set for 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 22, at the Institute of Directors at 35 New Broad Street in London. The event will feature debate and discussion on the many green challenges facing the finance sector, in particular whether the challenges will be won by the supply side or the demand side.

After a discussion by featured experts, attendees will have a say with an opportunity to vote on several issues:

  • What it takes to be green
  • The impact on a bank’s supply chain
  • Is the supply chain ready to meet the banks’ needs?

    Plus, there’ll be drinks and canapes to nosh afterward! What else could you ask for as education/diversion on a dark and chilly January evening?