1 min read

Enerqos helps Italian BMW dealer go solar

enerqosEnerqos Plc, an Italy-based designer and installer of photovoltaic plants, has just commissioned a new solar installation at the Viterbo BMW dealership near Rome.

The building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) installation, which covers the entire roof canopy of the showroom, has a maximum output power of 121 kilowatts.

“Choosing to install solar panels on the roof of our headquarters represents a significant investment,” said Fabio Lonardo, director of the Viterbo showroom. “In return, it enables us to reduce our energy spend and demonstrates both our own and the BMW brand’s commitment to environmental issues.”

The solar panels cover the entire surface of the roof canopy to maximise energy production. An integrated operating system enables the timely detection of operational anomalies, and performance can be monitored in real-time on a PC located within the building. This advanced system was implemented to guarantee efficiency and to facilitate the intervention of technical teams should any problems arise.

The integrated  installation will benefit from preferential “Conto energia” buy-back tariffs approved by the Italian government in 2007. This fixed tariff is valid for 20 years and offers one of the highest rates in Europe.