2 min read

CSR reporting made easy

Pie chartBuzzwords all companies must have to survive will no doubt include CSR policy.  From Greenbang’s point of view the environmental impact is key when using a company’s service.  Indeed, a recent Economist debate highlighted that it was this pressure that kept CSR policies going.

It also seems that the best employees take this into consideration, a new survey of 759 graduating MBAs across 11 business schools has shown that a reputation for ethical conduct was up there with financial package and intellectual stimulation.  The survey was conducted by Stanford’s Graduate School of Business.

But the real problem with the general CSR policy is that they’re usually done with hefty reports thick enough to give anyone daring to read it a combination of blindness from staring at a computer monitor for hours or lumbago from carrying the printed version.

Greenbang always prays to the gods of weighty tomes that there’s a contents page which will allow her to speedily skip to the environmental pages.

They’re also retrospective meaning it is impossible to track how a company is doing against its goals on a quarterly or monthly basis.  This is often true for the company too.

So, Greenbang was a little impressed to see a recent release from Clownfish which, the PR department says, is the “first online tool that enables companies to understand and dynamically report on their environmental and social footprint in real-time.”

A quick call has suggested that these are bespoke tools, entitled SEE Dynamic, and can take any format – Greenband always preferred the instantly readable dashboards which can be placed onto the web for the company and public to see.

A little from the release:

Today, consumers are using the Internet to actively seek the truth about sustainability practices within companies.  Consumers don’t want an exposé, but rarely do they have time to read a lengthy annual CSR report. SEE Dynamic acts as a communication tool, taking CSR reporting beyond compliance into digestible, relevant information, which engages with employees and customers. SEE Dynamic enables companies to break new ground in engaging employees and external stakeholders in CSR reporting.

One of the main attractions of SEE Dynamic is its flexibility. It is compatible with various reporting structures, including CDP, GRI and AccountAbility standards. It can also be used by people who do not have a background in CSR and can be applied to any frequency of CSR reporting.

Diana Verde Nieto, CEO of Clownfish, said: “The future of CSR reporting will be alignment with best practice in financial reporting. The annual CSR report will be outmoded by dynamic, real time data, and open channels for a two way conversion between companies and their consumers.”