1 min read

Crown Estate puts 25GW of wind up for grabs

turbine5.jpgIf you’re an avid reader of the Crown Estate press releases, as Greenbang is, you’ll notice that late last month, Regent Street hosted a Guinness World Record attempt for the largest Sevillanas dance with 456 dancers and 100,00 onlookers. Greenbang is pleased to tell you the attempt was successful.

Interesting as the Sevillanas dancers may be, they’re not a patch on the news that the Crown Estate – that’s the organisation which controls the land owned by HRH Liz 2 – will open up 25 GW of new offshore windfarm sites for leasing by 2020.

And what’s more, Queen Liz’s boys will pay for half the cost of getting planning consent for the wind farms, “including the funding of enabling works intended to speed up windfarm delivery. This may include action to address generic, zone-wide environmental concerns, consenting bottlenecks, supply chain constraints and options for connecting new windfarms to the national grid.”

The Crown Estate won’t pay for putting up the turbines or otherwise get involved with ownership, mind.

Round 3 will take the offshore wind farm capacity on Crown Estate seabed up to 33GW.