1 min read

Countdown to Copenhagen: Is there hope for change?

Green Energy PollWith the Copenhagen climate conference set to kick off in just a week, how confident are you that an effective carbon reduction agreement can be reached?

We’re surveying our readers and want to hear from you. Plus, if you take part, you get a chance to win some really cool, solar-powered prizes.

The Carbon Conversation is Greenbang’s new poll in association with Cisco. Just click here now to get started — it takes only five minutes, plus you might win one of four Freeloader Solar Chargers for your mobile, iPod or camera.

The poll lets you tell us your views on green energy issues. It’s not difficult, won’t take long, you might enjoy it and you can see how your opinions compare to other Greenbang readers when the results are published here in a few weeks time.

So what’s it going to be? “Yes, I want to share my views with Greenbang.com and change the world.” Or, “No, I want to bury my head in the sand.” (You don’t really want to do that, do you?) Take a few minutes and tell us what you think now … and thanks!