1 min read

Could hanging chads save LA's solar energy plan?

solar-panels-uprightLos Angeles’ plan produce at least 400 megawatts of energy from solar power by 2014 continues to hang in the balance today, as officials keep tallying votes on the proposal, known as Measure B.

Unofficially, the measure appears to have been rejected by voters in a squeaker: 50.3 percent against, 49.7 percent in favour, according to the Los Angeles Times. However, supporters are holding out hope that some 46,000 yet-to-be-counted ballots — late mail-ins and provisional ballots — could tip the scales and yet win the day.

The election was held Tuesday.

However the results turn out, Los Angeles already has a number of other solar-energy initiatives in the works. They include the development of 500 megawatts of solar-power facilities outside of the city and a goal of achieving 380 megawatts of customer-based solar programs encouraged through residential incentives, feed-in tariffs and a programme known as SunShares, which allows citizens to purchase shares of a Los Angeles Department of Water and Power solar facility.