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Cleantech ticker: 27 April 2009

tickerCleantech news as it happens — check back for regular updates:

  • A study sponsored by the Swedish firm Skanska finds that energy use in buildings could be cut by 60 per cent by 2050;
  • Transport links at one of the UK’s fastest growing towns have been boosted thanks to a £9 million railway station which was officially opened today by Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon. Initial services connecting Corby with London and other regional stations began running earlier this year — more than 40 years after rail services to the town were cancelled under the Beeching cuts — but from today the town will benefit from a new hourly service to London;
  • A £220 million fund will be made available to encourage innovation within the NHS, Health Minister Lord Darzi announced today, during an event at the Science Museum in London to mark the launch of “Innovation for a Healthier Future”;
  • German scientists have added tiny amounts of metal to spider silk to make it even stronger and more elastic. The technique could lead to the development of super-tough textiles, surgical thread or artificial tissues such as bones or tendons, the researchers say;
  • 5G Wireless Communications Inc., under the pending “Clean Energy and Power” name, has signed a strategic alliance agreement with the German Solar Company Sunworx GmbH;
  • Researchers from City University London have found that at least 75 percent of revenue can be lost and Web traffic can actually fall when a newspaper moves from print and Web to Web-only.