1 min read

Cleantech ticker: 21 May 2009

 alt=Cleantech news as it happens — check back for regular updates:

  • Wings that redirect air to waggle sideways could cut airline fuel bills by 20 per cent, according to research funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Airbus;
  • A Web browser that can understand technical terms in life sciences and automatically find additional resources and services has been developed by European researchers. It could lead to a new generation of intelligent search engines;
  • The University of Hertfordshire’s hydrogen-powered racing car has just been test driven by GMTV presenter Clare Nasir in a move to raise the profile of low-carbon technologies;
  • BWEA today welcomes the news that Europe’s largest onshore windfarm is now fully operational. Scotland’s Whitelee windfarm has a capacity of 322MW, enough to power 180,000 homes, or a city the size of Glasgow;
  • The Climate Savers Computing Initiative has gathered technology competitors at the same table to identify, solve and communicate technical barriers to desktop and notebook computer power management deployment;
  • An international project is setting up the world’s first carbon measuring and modelling system that will be used to help mitigate the effects of climate change, boost carbon trading and verify whether carbon-offsetting initiatives really work;
  • The city of Salerno, Italy, has entered into a strategic initiative with IBM with the aim of creating a Smart City.