1 min read

Children's charity seeks recyclers for fund-raising

recycling-appealGreat Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity is calling for old mobile phones and inkjet cartridges to be recycled to help reach its new fund-raising target of £10,000.

The charity helps Great Ormond Street Hospital treat thousands of children suffering from the rarest, most complex and often life-threatening conditions every year. Over the past six years, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity has raised nearly £100,000 through the Recycling Appeal, the charity’s programme run by Redeem plc. This has helped fund many projects including a learning laboratory, a waiting area and a lecture theatre in Weston House, the staff Education and Training centre.

In its latest appeal, Great Ormond Street seeks to raise a further £10,000 to ensure the hospital’s doctors and nurses have the cutting-edge equipment they need to provide children with world-class care.

Freepost envelopes to pop any unwanted mobile phones and inkjet cartridges into the post will be available in the June issue of Lifeline, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity’s supporter publication. Freepost collection envelopes are also available by simply logging on to Recycling Appeal.

“We hope that by launching this fresh appeal, even more people will be encouraged to donate their old mobile phones and inkjets to ensure we can continue to support the work of Great Ormond Street Hospital,” said Stephanie Gaydon of the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity.

“By donating your disused phones you really can make a massive difference and help Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity reach their goal and ultimately really benefit the patients and their families,” added Jamie Rae, chief executive of Redeem. “It’s a big challenge, but with an estimated 20 million phones being replaced in the UK each year, a little public effort can make a big difference to both the hospital and our environment.”