1 min read

CES: What's the green idea?


CES opens this week – that’s Consumer Electronics Show, the holy mecca of all things gadgety, to the uninitiated. It’s a veritable orgy of gadgets, with all the big names in the electronics world falling over themselves to showcase the latest, the greatest, the biggest, the shiniest, the most expensive.

You’d also think they’d be falling over themselves to showcasing the latest bit of environmental tech, but a quick scan around the news shows very few new green ideas coming out of the electronics world this year.

Despite a slew of headlines about green being the latest thing at CES, all Greenbang can come up with to back up such hyperbole is solar-powered gadget chargers, and computers with housings made of corn – which sound promising until you find out that the corn-plastic coating is as slow to degrade as normal plastic.

Greenbang would like to hear from you if you’ve found some new tech highlight that’s made you sit up at CES – give us a reader comment below.