1 min read

Business challenge of the century: How to take the carbon out of the corporation

Green Energy PollWhile economic development and carbon emissions have long gone hand in hand, a growing number of businesses today are working to de-couple their profits from their carbon footprints, cut their energy costs and reduce their impacts on the environment.

How to accomplish those goals — and why that’s necessary — will be the subject of conversation next month when a group of leading thinkers gather in London to talk about corporate carbon.

Scheduled for 6 to 8 pm Tuesday, 2 February, the Carbon Conversation will be held at The Duke of Cambridge, an organic pub accredited by the Soil Association and powered by solar and wind energy. The event is free, although advance registration is required and spaces are limited.

The programme will feature a series of five-minute, Ignite-style presentations focused on the findings of a research project that Greenbang undertook with Cisco, surveying people about their views of current efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Among the speakers confirmed so far are:

  • Dan Ilett, editor-in-chief, Greenbang: Timelines for carbon change: a macro view on the forces at work;
  • Phil Smith, VP and CEO, Cisco UK and Ireland: The Carbon Conversation: research findings;
  • Harry Morrison, General Manager, The Carbon Trust Standard: The Legislative Landscape;
  • Delvin Lane, head of Energy360 at British Gas: De-carbonating a business;
  • A representative from PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Climate Change & Carbon Market Services team: Topic to be determined.

The Duke Of Cambridge pub is located at 30 St Peter’s Street, Islington, London N1 8JT (view map here). For Twitter updates on the event, follow @eco_140.