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Breaking: Firms reluctant to buy low-carbon tech

UK businesses are reluctant to invest to meet their carbon goals, according to a new report unveiled today by Cisco and Greenbang.

While many companies are optimistic about technology’s ability to curb carbon, others have a less-than-starry view of what the UK’s energy future will look like in 2030.

For now, the majority — 58 per cent — say the key to shrinking their carbon footprints lies with better energy monitoring and measurement. Other factors they say will have the greatest impact on cutting the UK’s carbon emissions include alternative renewable energy sources (52 per cent), reduced energy use through efficient IT (46 per cent) and reduced work travel and commuting (34 per cent).

The survey results are based on both an online questionnaire and in-depth interviews to gauge what British energy providers, businesses and corporate consumers think about the UK’s response to impending environmental challenges.

The Cisco-Greenbang study also finds that just 32 per cent of respondents have an optimistic view of what the UK’s energy and carbon environment will look like in 20 years. Many more — 41 per cent — predict 2030 will see “business as usual with an ageing infrastructure,” and 14 per cent have a bleak outlook for “failing infrastructure with energy poverty.” On the whole, people in the energy industry are more optimistic than their customers, with 40 per cent foreseeing improvement, versus just 28 per cent among business professionals.

The Cisco Greenbang Smart Carbon Research 2010

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