Austin OKs largest solar plant in US

austinThe Texas city of Austin could soon be home to the largest solar-energy facility in the US, under a plan approved last week by city officials.

The proposed 30-megawatt project would also be one of the 10 largest solar-power installations in the world.

The facility, to be built on city land about 20 miles outside of downtown, will be built, owned and managed by Gemini Solar Development Company LLC. The firm was one of 15 competing for the project.

Expected to go online by the end of 2010, the solar facility will contain some 320 acres of photovoltaic panels and generate enough power for some 5,000 homes. Construction on the project is expected to begin in the first quarter of next year.

The development is part of Austin’s long-term plan to generate 100 megawatts of solar energy for the city by 2020.

“Diversifying our renewable energy portfolio is a key strategy to help insulate our customers from volatility and escalating prices in traditional energy markets,” said Mayor Will Wynn. “We want Austin to be ahead of the curve as the nation finally takes on the challenge of global warming and makes the transition to a new energy economy.”